Morse Code Generator

You can use this page to create customized morse code, everything from basic letters and numbers to fully-fledged morse code conversations. If you find this morse generator helpful, please consider supporting this site.


  1. Adjust the morse code parameters as needed, the group size impacts how many groups of text get created for many of the morse content types. 1 group is typically the eqivalent of 5 words with 5 characters per word.
  2. Select the type of morse code you want to generate by clicking on type of content desired - Koch, Letters, Callsigns, etc.. The button will turn solid orange when that option is selected.
  3. Click the “Generate new practice text” button to create the text you want to practice
  4. Click ‘Play’ to listen to the morse code. You can click Show Text to see the original text being sent.

Select the morse code content

Start with K & M then add R when you can copy K and M correctly 90% of the time, as you learn each new character (copy >90%) add the character below it on the list until you know them all!
Another approach to learning the letters is by learning the various letter groups (similar sounds) and then adding in more groups over time.
This contains all the numbers, 0-9
Generates five sets of five punctuation and prosigns per group.
This contains all the letters, numbers, punctuation and prosigns, five sets of five characters per group.
This generates random callsigns containing letters, numbers, and certain punctuation symbols, five callsigns per group.
This generates random callsigns containing letters, numbers, and certain punctuation symbols plus the ARRL Field Day exchange (class and section). Increasing the Group Size adds additional sets of five station exchanges.
This generates a typical POTA-style exchange with random callsigns containing letters, numbers, and certain punctuation symbols. Increasing the Group Size adds in additional station exchanges.
This creates part of a simulated morse contact with another amateur station, it will contains callsigns, abbreviations, prosigns and more. The Group Size has no effect on the QSO option.