POTA CW exchanges added - I have added POTA (Parks on the Air) exchanges to the Morse Code Generator. I have used various sources for how these types of exchanges normally go (see list below), but they may need ’tweaking’ a bit to add in more variability.
Here’s an example of what it might generate so far. It assumes there’s an activating station that calls CQ at the start and then there are some replies from hunters, up to five, depending on the Group setting you use on the generator page (e.g., setting Group = 3 would give you replies from three hunter stations).
CQ CQ CQ POTA a5fbt a5fbt K = kd3hlp kd3hlp = = kd3hlp TU GE UR 5NN 5NN LA LA = = TU UR 5NN 5NN DE DE = = TU DE DE 73 e e = wk9txe wk9txe = = wk9txe TU GE UR 5NN 5NN LA LA = = TU UR 5NN 5NN IN IN = = TU IN IN 73 e e
In this example Group was set to 2, A5FBT (Louisiana) is the activating station and there are two replies from hunter stations, KD3HLP (Delaware) and WK9TXE (Indiana). The generator uses = to represent BK. The callsigns, states, signal reports, etc are all randomly generated. The state is picked at random from the appropriate callsign region so while its random, it should be pretty close to what you would expect in real life.
I would love to hear any feedback and suggestions for how this could be improved so its an appropriately realistic way to practice these types of exchange.
Many thanks!
Simon, AA9PW.