Ham Morse Version 1.480 now available

Published on: July 9, 2022 in morse, news, ham-morse

Version 1.480 of the Ham Morse iOS application was released on the App Store yesterday. This was mostly a maintenance release to address a few bugs and other issues that had cropped up.

App Features

  • Added support for larger iPhone screens.
  • Updated or removed RSS news feeds which were no longer working.
  • Updated the support URL.
  • Reorganized the iPad screen layout slightly.

Technical bugs

  • Fixed a thread-related bug that would cause the app to crash if you pressed one of the morse content buttons while the app was playing.
  • Implemented autolayout on the iPad UI XIB to support various screen sizes using a single XIB file. I was unable to get horizontal layout to work consistently so that is still not available.

Site Tags

extra 1
morse 6
news 9
pota 1