Morse QSO option now back online

Published on: July 5, 2022 in morse, news

I have fixed the Morse Code Generator to bring the QSO option back online. It will now create a part of a simulated CW conversation (QSOs) that will give you practice copying many of the usual elements of a basic morse code conversation: callsigns, names, places, weather, rigs and antenna, power, etc.

An example of a generated QSO is shown below.

kd9otp de ku9vyw = ge, tu for call = ur rst 475 = name here is harold = location hr is greensburg, indiana = here, the weather is snowing = I have a ic781 = the ant is a 3 el yagi sending out 350 watts = i work as a driver = ive been a ham fer 54 years = back to you kd9otp de ku9vyw kn ar =

The callsigns are randomly generated as is all the other text in the QSO so anything that comes up for a callsign for a real person is completely ficticious.

I need to work on a few things to improve the realism of the QSO:

  • The random callsigns arent always realistic given the way the current US callsigns are generated.
  • The components of the QSO currently occur in the same order each time, I’m going to randomize this a little so its not too predictable.
  • It needs to have non-US callsigns too.
  • I’d like to include some added repetition for things like callsigns, names, etc. as you might see hear when the conditions arent very good and the sender wants to make sure you get the key details.
  • The rigs that are listed are a little old, I’ll be adding in some more recent makes and models!

Now that I have the essential functionality of the morse generator back online I’d love to hear any ideas for improvements that you might have. With the rewrite and new code it shouldnt be too hard to add in different types of practice text and other features that would make this more useful. Please share any ideas in the comments below.

Many thanks!

Simon, AA9PW.

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